AppleCare for Mac Users

Today, we will focus more on AppleCare for our Mac readers out there. However, it’s important to note that Apple also has AppleCare versions for iPhone, iPad, and AppleTV users out there. Beyond this, Apple has set up a special AppleCare+ for iPhone users who are more prone to damage due to the devices being mobile and usually more exposed to the elements. AppleCare+ covers accidental damage done by you twice, only requiring payment of a small fee before getting a replacement. You must, however, make sure to purchase it within 30 days of purchase, and an inspection is required to prevent any cheating. As a Mac user, I have learned firsthand how useful AppleCare has been. This is shown even more when Apple gives you the receipt after a repair, where it shows what you could have paid without AppleCare.

During a previous repair of my trackpad, it would have costed me hundreds of dollars without AppleCare. Because of AppleCare, it cost me nothing. While they were at it, they were able to repair other issues – including a battery replacement as well. For Mac users, AppleCare extends the complimentary insurance for another three years; this includes both in-store and over-the-phone. Lastly, while you are at the store, if you have been eyeing any other Mac accessories (displays or Airport for example), get them while you are there; they are covered for the three years as well.

Is it Worth the Price?

This is a question that is truly up to you. Together, we will try to help you come to a conclusion of whether it’s a necessity or just another added cost. AppleCare is expensive; however, any user would find having to pay hundreds of dollars in repairs even more expensive. It ultimately comes down to how you’ll use your Mac. Buy AppleCare if:

the nearest Apple Store is far from where you stay.

For serious issues, you will either mail your Mac to Apple (they’ll send you a box to pack it in) or have a technician drive down to your place to provide on-site support. Either way, you are saving plenty of time where you can spend on more productive stuff.

you have a tendency to break stuff easily

If you are a reckless person that always knock your Mac to the table, drop it on the floor, spill the keyboard with coffee etc, buying AppleCare protection is definitely cheaper than the price you have to pay for all the repair.

you use your Mac for work

How much does it cost you to not be able to work if your Mac is spoilt? If the amount of time you spent on your Mac is equivalent to the amount of money you earn, then spending the extra money to insure your Mac is no doubt a brainless deal.

you are always travelling with your Mac

The good thing about AppleCare is that it is available worldwide. If you are always on the move (with your Mac), you will be assured that you can get your Mac repaired no matter where you are (since the chances of damaging your Mac is also higher when you are travelling).

Do Not Buy AppleCare if:

you have no intention to use your Mac for more than a year

If you intend to sell your Mac away at the end of the year, it doesn’t make a good deal to dish out the money to buy AppleCare.

you are proficient enough to repair it yourself

Not everyone of us is tech-savvy, but in case you are one and you are proficient enough to troubleshoot all sort of software/hardware issue, then you can make do without AppleCare.

What’s your opinion?

Do you feel better safe than sorry with AppleCare for Mac, or is it just a waste of money? Let us know in the comments below.