If the answer to any of these questions is “yes”, check out Syncless – a brilliant program for folder synchronization in Windows. Syncless works with the concept of tagging – you tag two or multiple folders with the same tag name. These folders can be present anywhere in your system, from your desktop to your My documents folder to a folder in your removable drive. When you hit the “Sync” button, all the folders which are tagged with the same tag name are synched. This means, the contents of all the folders become the same and you get the same file and directory structure in all the folders. This is useful because you can use this application for routine backups, transferring and merging drives or may be creating a restore point for some of the important directories of your system.

How to Sync Folders in Windows using Syncless

Download Syncless

  1. When you start the program for the first time, you should create the necessary tags. Tags can be named according to your needs or by using folder names. Here is how the interface of the program looks:

  2. Hit the “Create Tag” button to create Tags. As you create the tags, the entire list will be shown in the right sidebar of the program window. You can assign multiple folders to a tag and multiple tags to a folder.

  3. Tag the Source folder: Once the tag is in place, you have to add the folders you want to sync. For example: I chose a folder in my E Drive and a folder in my D Drive for synchronizing. The folder kept in the D Drive is empty while the folder in the E drive contains set up files of some software programs I use regularly. To add a tag to a folder, simply click the “Tag” button and navigate to the location of the folder as shown below:

  4. Tag the destination folder: Once the source folder has been added, follow the same procedure to tag the destination folder as well.

  5. You are all set for the synchronization process. There are two synchronization modes available -manual and seamless. If you want to manually sync the content of the two folders, choose “Manual” from the options button as shown below:

Once you hit the “Sync Now” button the content of both the folders will start synchronizing. All the contents of the two folders will be merged together and you will see the same file and directory structure in both the folders. For example: Let us suppose the directory structure of Folder 1 and Folder 2 to be something as shown below:

Once the Synchronization is complete, you will have the following directory and file structure:

If one of the folders is empty and you perform the sync operation, the content of the another folder won’t be erased. In short, both the folders will be a mirror copy of each other. You will also see a system tray notification when the sync process is over.

The seamless integration method works automatically, as the program sits in the system tray and merges the content of tagged folders at regular intervals. You can use the application to sync your computers time as well. Overall, Syncless is a very handy program for folder synchronization. It’s portable, thus requires no installation and can be used on multiple computers from a removable drive. Do you use any application to sync folders? Please share your ideas in the comments section.