Luckily, MacDropAny can change all of that for you. It lets you easily sync any folder on your Mac with your favorite cloud storage. This means no more moving files from one folder to another. When you add a file to a folder that’s synced to the cloud, it will automatically be added to your cloud service. Not only that, but this will allow you to have access to any folder on your computer from anywhere in the world, via the cloud. MacDropAny supports Dropbox, Box, Copy, Google Drive, iClouDrive, and SkyDrive. Here’s how it work.

Syncing a Folder

  1. You’ll need to download MacDropAny from the official website and install it on your computer. Note: MacDropAny is compatible with Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion.

  2. When you first open the application, you’ll need to read and agree to the terms of Zibity Software by clicking on “I accept.”

  3. Next, you’ll need to choose a folder to sync with the cloud. In the dialogue window that pops up, browse to the desired folder and click on “choose.” Note: Alternately, you can drag a folder onto the MacDropAny icon in Finder or on the Dock, or right click a folder in Finder and select “sync via MacDropAny.”

  4. Now you’ll need to choose the cloud service that you want to sync your folder to. As mentioned above, you can choose Box, Copy, Dropbox, Google Drive, iClouDrive, or SkyDrive.

  5. Now you’ll need to choose where you’d like the folder to be located within your cloud service, and then click on “choose.”

Note: This will only work if you have the appropriate cloud service application installed on your Mac, since you’ll need to choose the folder from within that cloud service’s folder via Finder. Here are the download links for each: Box, Copy, Dropbox, Google Drive, iClouDrive and SkyDrive. 6. Enter a name for the cloud copy of the folder. It doesn’t necessary have to be the same as the folder on your computer; it can be whatever you’d like.

  1. You should see a confirmation letting you know that the folder is now synced with your cloud storage, and it should start syncing on your computer.

You’ll then have the option to sync another folder or quit the application.

Un-Syncing a Folder

I’m sure you’re probably wondering what you should do if you no long want a folder to sync to the cloud. Well, this all depends on the service that you’re syncing to. If you’re using Dropbox or Copy, all you have to do is delete the desired folder inside your Dropbox or Copy account via Finder. If you’re using any other service, you’ll have to move the folder from your cloud service back its original location. If asked if you want to replace the folder, make sure that you do (click the “replace” button).

Final Thoughts

Now, you no longer have to move entire folders to your cloud storage. You can simply sync them within minutes. Plus, you’ll also be able to access the folders that you choose from anywhere in the world on another computer or even your mobile device, all thanks to MacDropAny and the cloud.