If you’re a mobile gamer on Android, you know that there are thousands of games available in the Google Play Store. As a matter of fact, there are so many games that it can be pretty overwhelming when it comes to choosing one to try out. Luckily, PlayMobo is here to make the process a bit easier for you. PlayMobo is an Android app that allows you to follow your favorite mobile games and stay on top of the latest gaming news. Additionally, you can discover new games to play and even earn points that can be redeemed for free gift cards. While PlayMobo isn’t available for iOS devices, they do have a simplified Web version that you can view in your mobile or desktop browser. Here are some of PlayMobo’s best features.

Getting Started with PlayMobo

The PlayMobo app is pretty straightforward when it comes to navigation and finding games to follow. However, you will need to sign in with a Facebook account if you want to do anything meaningful such as adding games to your favorites list and receiving notifications for games that you’re following.

Unfortunately, Facebook seems to be the only way to create an account with PlayMobo. While it’s a lot easier than filling out a signup form, it’s inconvenient for those who choose not to use Facebook or prefer to use the conventional email signup method.

Following Your Favorite Games

There is a search bar at the top right of the app that is great for finding your favorite games. However, it’s a very basic search box in that there aren’t any suggestions when typing.

For example, typing in “angr” does not suggest “Angry Birds” or any other game with “angr” in it. But even though it won’t display suggestions or autocomplete your search, you can still type in a single word and see all games containing that word.

As you can see, searching for “clash” brings up a long list of games with “Clash” in their title. So even if you don’t know the full name, you should be able to track it down with a partial search. After searching for a game, you’ll be able to follow it or start it (if you already have it installed on your device). I think it’s nice that the app can detect games that you already have and start them for you. (Tapping start immediately opens up the game, taking you away from PlayMobo.)

You can also see other things like news, reviews, and walkthroughs for that specific game. For things such as reviews, the app uses a built-in browser to display the actual web page of the article.

In this way, I find that it works similarly to a search engine since it directs you to another source/location. This could potentially be problematic, though, since not all pages are mobile-friendly, making them hard to navigate.

Finding New Games to Play

I was hoping that PlayMobo might use the games that I’m following along with those already installed on my device to suggest similar games. However, it doesn’t do that. Sure, you can see featured, recently updated, and top trending games, which is also a great way to discover new games, but it’s not very personal.

When viewing a game, you can see general stats, tags (clickable to help you discover similar games), images, latest news, latest reviews, walkthroughs, and comments.

The comments are the one thing that is actually integrated into PlayMobo. You can see comments left by other users and leave your own. It uses your Facebook name and photo to do so.

You can also reply to other commenters. It’s not the most innovative community setup, but it’s a step in the right direction.

Earning Gift Cards with PlayMobo

Under the “Earn” section of the app is where you’ll find the different tasks that you can do in order to earn PlayMobo points. For instance, installing and playing specified games for the day can earn you around 2,500 points. Your total number of points is displayed in the top-right corner next to the search icon.

Final Thoughts

PlayMobo is much like a mini version of the Google Play Store except it’s just for games. You can find deals on top mobile games, discover new games, read the latest news and reviews, find helpful walkthroughs, and even earn free gift cards. If you play a lot of mobile games or have children who do, then it will greatly benefit you to have this app installed. Download PlayMobo