The bookmarks (blank by default) are shown in the form of thumbnails, which should show a screenshot of the web page if a site is already added. To add a bookmark, simply click on a blank thumbnail and type in the site URL and a website name (optional). The default number of bookmarks that you can add is eight, but you can edit this by going to the extension’s Options menu.

When you’ve added a website, the thumbnail of that site should load within a few seconds after you hit OK. To customize the look of your newly added bookmark, you can customize the image that appears for the site. This should be 212×132 to fit the box appropriately. Here’s an example of custom icons used for social networking sites. Note that images not having the recommended size will look stretched.

And here’s how websites will look like if you don’t use custom images/icons:

Another quick way to bookmark a site would be to right click anywhere on a blank, unlinked area of that site and click on Add to Super Start.

Some customization for the user interface is also possible with this extension. In the Options menu, going to the UI Customize tab allows you to change the background into any image of your choice. Below, I selected a colorful wallpaper:

If you don’t want to add an image, but would like to quickly change the background color, there are color dots on the top right corner that you can click on. Hover over the dot with your mouse pointer and it should tell you the color.

Wondering where your old bookmarks are? There is a Bookmarks button on the top left corner of the screen. Click on this to view previously saved websites using the old method. You can also view recently closed tabs by clicking on the Recently Closed button beside it.

Lastly, the right sidebar allows you to take and save notes. Just type your note and hit Enter. The note is saved in the area right below it. You can then check it off or add a star beside it using the corresponding icons on the top right corner of each note.

Super Start goes beyond the basic features of adding websites and makes the experience more personalized with its customization options. It definitely makes bookmarking fun and easy.