The great news that Apple announced during the launch of OS X Mavericks was that iBooks would be offered in the new OS. This meant that we book-lovers wouldn’t have to use to an iOS device to use Voice Over to get a book read aloud to us. If you’re on a Mac, it’s now very easy to have the system read the book out aloud with minimal fuss. To see exactly how easy it is to get up and running with this kind of functionality, why not open up iBooks and try it for yourself?
Here’s how to get iBooks read your books aloud to you:
Launch the iBooks app Open the book which you want to be read-aloud to you Point the cursor on the screen to denote exactly where you want the system to start reading the book Select the “Edit” menu from the iBooks Menu
Select “Speech” from the fourth segment and select “Start Speaking”
Having your Mac read a book out loud is a great and handy little feature of iBooks, but it does come with a few disadvantages. Currently at this stage, Mavericks isn’t capable of turning pages so it does need a little user interaction. It will also keep reading until it is explicitly told to stop, so you should be aware of that.