Our Opinion

Simon thinks the whole thing sounds “incredibly convenient,” and says if it’s successful, he “can see other stores using this technology too.” However, he is interested in what happens with people who don’t have a smartphone. Yet if that ends up not being an issue in the long run, he “can really see more technologies crop up that use smartphones to simplify the brick-and-mortar shopping experience.”

Alex is intrigued by the “technology’s long-term impact.” He wonders about anti-theft measures as well – if it’s currently working flawlessly or if it still needs some work. He also notes, “as automation obviates minimum wage jobs, what will happen to the folks who once held those jobs” and wonders how hackers will “take advantage of this system” and if they hope to “prevent them from gaining access.” He’s also considering if they found a way for authentication and payment to “happen instantly and securely without input from the user, they could probably license that tech for a shiny penny or two.”

Your Opinion