Did you know you can install a whole operating system from your mobile device? If that sounds interesting, learn how to install Windows from Android.

Why Use Windows Package Manager

There are plenty of reasons that Windows Package Manager is better than installing programs from a website:

A package manager lets you easily install software using only the keyboard, which is more efficient for laptop users and fast typists. If you count yourself in the latter category, check out this complete list of keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook. Package managers make it easier to uninstall apps. Instead of digging through the Control Panel or looking for an uninstaller executable, you can just type winget uninstall. Upgrading to new versions of apps is more straightforward, as it’s possible to list all the programs that need an update. It is more secure. Windows Package Manager downloads software from a single central location, so you won’t ever get a fake website offering virus-laden software or see sketchy ads. It also benefits from Microsoft’s stewardship, with security features like Microsoft Smartscreen that scans for malicious packages. Being a command line tool, things can be automated, and installation can be performed programmatically on a vast fleet of computers instead of manually one at a time. It is faster and uses less data than visiting a website, which would be bulky, slow, and full of images and ads. On a plan with limited data, this is critical. Using less data is also better for the environment.

Install Windows Package Manager

winget (pronounced “win get”) is the command line tool for finding, installing, and uninstalling packages from Windows Package Manager. If you have Windows 11, winget is already installed for you. You can install winget by getting “App Installer” from the Microsoft Store. If you don’t see the “Get” button, you probably already have winget onboard.

Using Windows Package Manager to Install Applications

You’ll need to open a command line interface before you can use winget. Press the Win key, type ”terminal” and click the Terminal app. Tip: check out ways to customize your Windows Terminal. The search feature in Windows Package Manager is very powerful. Here’s how to use it to find and install a package.

Batch Install Multiple Applications

winget can create a .JSON file with a list of applications called a “manifest,” then use that manifest to install those same applications on another computer. This is the functionality of Ninite without needing a third-party installer! If you need a Windows virtual machine, leanr how to get one for free from Microsoft.

Upgrade Packages in Windows Package Manager

One amazing feat of winget is being able to update multiple different programs from a single interface.

Uninstall Packages in Winget

With winget, you can easily find applications installed on your computer and remove them. Tip: if you have an Android phone, learn how to batch uninstall apps on Android.

Improving Search in Winget

The following are some useful ways of searching Windows Package Manager:

Enter the winget search –query "" command to show all the winget packages available to download. Don’t forget to add your search query between the quotation marks, such as “browser.” winget search –tag browser –count 10 to show a limited list of 10 packages with the “browser” tag. winget.run is a website with a visual interface that allows you to search and browse all winget packages.

All screenshots by Brandon Li. Chocolatey was originally created by Rob Reynolds in 2011. It has a free and open-source community edition and paid tiers with more features. Being a third-party program, Chocolatey must be installed manually. There are over 9,000 packages available in the Chocolatey registry at the time of writing.