If you like apps that keep things simple, then you just might like the Google Tasks app. At least you have the assurance that the app is from a company whose other services you’re probably already using.

What Google Tasks Has to Offer (Android)

Besides offering a very essential feature for a to-do app, Google Tasks also makes the app easy to use. Tap on the “Add a new task” button and add what you need to do. To add details to your new task, tap on the “+” sign. If you select the uneven lines, you can add details to your new task, and by tapping on the Calendar icon, you can also add a date. So far, there are no options to add an image or a specific time to your task.

You can also change your list’s name if you’re not happy with the name. Tap on the three vertical dots at the bottom-right, and there you can either change the name or delete altogether. At the top you can also change the order you see your tasks. For example, you can either sort them by date, or you can order them in the way you created them.

There’s also the possibility of adding sub-tasks to your already-created tasks.  If you’ve already created your task, just tap on it, and the “Add subtasks” option should be the last one. Tap on the dropdown menu to the side of the name of the task, and you can move your task to another list. When you’ve completed a task, tap on the empty circle to the side of the task, and it will be placed in the completed tasks list. To edit your task, just tap on the pencil icon.

Drag and Drop Your Tasks

Placing your tasks in a different order is also possible. Long-press on the task you want to move and drop it in the order you want. You can even make a particular task stand out from the rest by placing the task slightly to the right  of where you drop it.

Having a task placed slightly to the right from the rest is something that can’t be done on the desktop version.

Google Tasks on Your Desktop

Since Tasks is from Google, it will also sync with your Gmail account. It will, however, only show up on Gmail if you have the new design. To switch to the new Gmail design, click on the cog wheel and then on the option to try the new model. Once you have the new design, you’ll see a couple of icons right below your profile picture. One of those icons will be Tasks, and it will have a blue circle with a while pencil in the middle.

The options you’ll see on the desktop version are the same ones you saw on Android except for one option. By clicking on the three vertical dots you’ll see the option to sort your tasks by date, your particular order, rename the list or use a keyboard shortcut.

This last option does not appear on Tasks for Android. Instead, it offers an option to delete all completed tasks.

How to Add an Email to Google Tasks List

If there’s an email you’ve been meaning to answer but just keep forgetting, add it to your task list. Just find the email and drag it to your already-open task list.

Even if that email gets lost in the sea of other emails in your inbox, by merely clicking on the email on the list, it will be opened automatically.


As you can see, Google Tasks is not an app that will bombard you with tons of features. If you’re looking for an app that keeps things simple, you just might be interested in this app. What are your thoughts on the app? Share your opinion in the comments below.