Glances Features

the average CPU load total number of processes like active, sleeping processes, etc. total memory information like RAM, swap, free memory, etc. CPU information Network download and upload speed of connections Disk I/O read/write speed details Currently mounted devices’ disk usages Top processes with their CPU/memory usages

Installing Glances

Installing Glances on Ubuntu is easy, as it is available on Ubuntu’s repository. You can install Glances by running the following command.

Usage of Glances

After installation has been finished, you can launch Glances by running the following command: You will see an output like the following:

Press ESC or “Ctrl + C” to quit from the Glances terminal. By default, the interval time is set to 1 second, but you can define the custom interval time while running glances from the terminal. To set the interval time to 5 seconds, run the following command:

Glances Color Codes

Glances color code meanings:


By default, Glances thresholds set is: careful=50, warning=70, critical=90. You can customize the threshold by using the default configuration file glances.conf located at the “/etc/glances/” directory.

Glances Options

Glances provides several hot keys to find output information while it is running. Below are the list of hot keys. m : sort processes by MEM% p : sort processes by name c : sort processes by CPU% d : show/hide disk I/O stats a : sort processes automatically f : show/hide file system statshddtemp i : sort processes by I/O rate s : show/hide sensors’ stats y : show/hide hddtemp stats l : show/hide logs n : show/hide network stats x : delete warning and critical logs h : show/hide help screen q : quit w : delete warning logs

Use Glances to Monitor Remote Systems

You can also monitor remote systems using Glances. To use it on a remote system, use the following command: You will see an output like the following:

You will see Glances running on port 61209. Now, go to the remote machine and execute the following command to connect to a Glances server by specifying the IP address as shown below. For example, is your Glances server IP address.


Glances is a very useful tool for every Linux system administrator. Using it, you can easily monitor your Linux system in less time. Feel free to comment if you have any questions.