Sure you can dig into the Windows registry to tweak some of the Alt+Tab settings, but you really shouldn’t if you’re unfamiliar with registry tweaking. Instead, you can opt for an easier method: Alt Tab Tuner VIII. It’s a freeware program for Windows 8 that lets you tweak the thumbnails, margins, icons, and more for Alt+Tab.

  1. Download Alt Tab Tuner VIII from Winaero’s website. It’s a portable program, so there’s no installation needed.

  2. Double click on the .exe file to bring up the Alt Tab Tuner VIII window. There are 4 sections here that you can tweak: thumbnails, margins, icons, other.

Thumbnails – You can tweak the size, horizontal spacing, and vertical spacing for the thumbnails. Margins – You can tweak the top, left & right, and bottom margins. Icons – You can tweak the size, horizontal offset, and vertical offset of the icons (these icons appear at the bottom right corner of the thumbnails). Other – You can tweak the window title text offset and width of the focus border. Take it Back – You can also enable the classic Alt+Tab Switcher, if you want to go back to the old Windows XP styled classic Alt+Tab Switcher.

  1. When you’re done tweaking the Alt+Tab Switcher, click on “Apply” to save the settings and automatically restart Windows Explorer. You can also restore the default settings if you want to start over or go back to the original settings.

With a little playing around, you’re sure to get the Alt+Tab Switcher just the way you like it.