Add a Dropbox (or other) account to FolderSync

  1. Download and install the FolderSync App from the Google Play Store.

  2. After you have successfully installed the application on your Android, launch the app where you are greeted with the end user license agreement. Click Accept to continue. 3, The FolderSync Lite home screen appears with seven options available: Accounts, Folderpairs, File manager, Sync status, Settings, Help and About. To create a new account, select the “Accounts” option.

  3. On the following screen, tap the “Cloud +” icon on the bottom of the screen to start creating an account.

  4. You will be asked to choose your preferred cloud storage provider. The cloud storage provider can be SkyDrive, Dropbox, Ubuntu One,, SugarSync, HiDrive, Google Docs, NetDocument and Google Drive. For our example, we choose Dropbox.

  5. On the “Account details” page, provide a unique name for the new account and select the “Validate access”.

  6. You will then be prompted to sign into the relevant account (in our case, Dropbox). Enter in your credentials and select “Sign in.”

  7. On the next page, you are requested to confirm Foldersync Lite app access to your nominated account. Select “Allow”.

  8. Once complete, your cloud storage solution is connected to the Foldersync app. Click the “Disk” option on the top right to save changes and return back to the Home screen.


  1. Once you’ve setup one of your shared folder accounts, you can access the settings tab, tap “Settings” option.

  2. In the “Settings” page, you can configure your personal preferences. For example, if you want to disable notifications ensure the checkbox is ticked.

  3. A handy feature in settings is that you can backup your settings to an external storage device instead of waiting for automatic backup to occur. To perform this action, Select the Backup database button.

  4. You are prompted to confirm if you want to create a database backup now. Click Yes. 

Managing files with FolderSync

Being able to manage your cloud-hosted files is obviously core to FolderSync’s functionality. The example below will show you how to to transfer a folder (or file) on your Android device to your cloud storage account.

Transferring files from your Android device to the Cloud

  1. Access “File Manager” from the Home Screen.

  2. The folders available on your Android will then be listed on the File Manager page. If you want to transfer a folder to your Dropbox account, tick a particular folder (i.e. Attachments) and select the mirror image document icon on the bottom of the screen.

  3. Select the cloud icon to access your remote account.

The nominated folder should then have transferred to your remote account as per below.

Transferring files from the Cloud to your Android device

You can transfer files/folders from your cloud storage account to your Android by the following the same procedure as above, however you would access your cloud account first then access your local storage by selecting the SD card icon on the bottom of your screen and choose local path.

Concluding Remarks

There are some drawbacks with the FolderSync Lite in comparison to the full version. You can only setup one account, which essentially limits you to utilising only one cloud storage provider. Furthermore, there are no sync filters nor Tasker/locale support available. Still, it’s a neat application with a lot of flexibility. FolderSync Lite