What Does Error Code 43 Mean?

Error code 43 appears in Device Manager if Windows determines a certain device is behaving abnormally or has encountered deeper hardware problems. The error usually indicates a graphics card issue, and Windows will disable the device to avoid further problems. When that happens, you’ll see the following text in the device’s properties: “Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43).” The main underlying causes for the error are usually faulty drivers or damaged hardware. If corrupted or missing drivers are causing the error, you may be in luck. But if your device has encountered physical damage, you’ll likely need to get it repaired or replaced. Let’s look at a few software-level fixes first to help you resolve error code 43.

1. Reset the Battery

A simple restart isn’t likely to fix error code 43. You should completely drain your PC or laptop of power, then check whether the issue is fixed.

PC: turn it off, unplug all cables, and hold down the power button for at least 30 seconds. Turn it on and check whether the issue has been resolved. Laptop: turn it off, unplug all cables, remove the battery, then put it back in after a few minutes. If the battery isn’t removable, hold down the power button for around 30 seconds to reset the battery.

Reboot and check whether the error is still present in Device Manager. Good to know: GPUs are no longer confined to a PC’s interior! Learn all about external graphics cards and whether they are worth buying.

2. Disable and Re-Enable GPU

In some cases, simply disabling and re-enabling your graphics card can fix the issue, as it allows Windows to reconfigure the device.

3. Roll Back to a System Restore Point

If you recently installed a new program, updated device drivers, or changed system settings, chances are that the changed system environment caused error code 43. In this case, you could try reverting your system to a previous state prior to the appearance of these issues. You can do that with System Restore, provided you have restore points to pull from. Tip: keep your Windows hardware working well by safely installing unassigned drivers when required.

4. Roll Back Device Drivers

If restoring the system to a previous moment in time doesn’t fix the error, follow the steps below to roll back the driver for your GPU manually:

5. Update Windows

Updating Windows can sometimes help fix some issues that creep up due to an undiagnosed problem in your build. If you aren’t already on the latest Windows version, follow the steps below to update your system:

6. Reinstall GPU Drivers

If there’s still something wrong with your GPU, you’ll need to reinstall its associated drivers. First, uninstall the existing drivers using a dedicated software, such as Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU). We have a detailed guide on how to remove old Windows drivers using this tool that you may want to check out. Once you’ve completed this part, you’ll have to navigate to your GPU’s manufacturer website, search for the drivers in question, and download them from there. If the issue still hasn’t disappeared from Device Manager, there are a few more fixes you can try that are a bit more drastic in nature.

7. Update BIOS

Updating the BIOS should be one of your last resorts when trying to resolve error code 43, as it can potentially create newer problems.
The process can seem a bit technical if you haven’t done it before, but you can follow our BIOS upgrade guide to successfully update your BIOS by following all of the steps carefully.

8. Check Your GPU Connection

Sometimes reinserting your GPU cables can eliminate the error. Another thing you could try is removing the graphics card altogether and reinstalling it in its slot. Warning: only attempt this if you’re familiar with the process and know what you’re doing. If that’s not the case, it would be best to consult a specialist to assist you with the matter.

9. Reinstall Windows

Your last resort to fixing error code 43 is to install a fresh copy of Windows. This fix is intended to remove any drivers, system settings, or conflicting programs that may be causing the error. If nothing else has worked, you can refer to our reinstall Windows guide to learn how to get a fresh install of Windows without losing your data. After reinstalling Windows, if you’re encountering the error code 43 in Device Manager, most likely your graphics card is damaged or dead. As the issue is on the hardware level, you would need to get your RMAed if it’s under warranty. If not, you can check with a repair professional whether the card can be repaired. In the worst case, your only option would be to replace your graphics card with a new one. Want to try Windows 11 without uninstalling Windows 10? Check out our guide to learn how. Image credit: Unsplash. All screenshots by Tanveer Singh.