OnlineVNC is a great piece of software which enables the users to connect to their computers through a web browser. OnlineVNC server can be installed on the computer which needs to be connected to remotely. After certain configuration, we can access our computer’s desktop using any web browser that supports Flash player. Let’s go through the installation and configuration of OnlineVNC step by step.


Download OnlineVNC Server. The installation of Online OnlineVNC Server is quite simple and does not require any configuration. The configurations are done after installation. After installation, you will need to run OnlineVNC Server as an administrator otherwise it will not run properly.


OnlineVNC comes with a ribbon interface which makes it easy to configure and operate. On the ribbon interface under Server (Local), you will be able to turn OnlineVNC Server on or off. Turning it on means that your computer will be accessible from any web browser and any Internet enabled location in the world.

After turning the server on, we’ll need to go to the Settings tab under the ribbon interface. Please note that the settings tab will only appear when the server is turned on. On the settings screen, you will be able to configure a few options like automatically starting the server on Windows startup. You can also change the port number on which OnlineVNC server will be listening. The default is 5900. You will also be able to create a master password which will be used to connect to the computer remotely.

After configuring settings, we’ll be creating a user which will be able to access the computer remotely through a web browser. To create a new user, go to “Local machine -> Your computer name -> Users” in the left hand pane and click on “Click here to add New User”.

Create a new user by entering a username, password, description and access rights. If you uncheck the View Access checkbox, you will get the following options:

View Access Keyboard Access Mouse Access Full Access

You can choose which level of access you want to give to the user which you are creating.

This completes the configuration process. Now you can click on the Viewer icon under Server (Local) ribbon tab. By default, it will use your local IP address to connect to the computer using any web browser, but you can check your static external IP address using services like or You can use your static external IP address to access your computer from a remote location. You can also configure a dynamic DNS service if you don’t have a static IP address. If you haven’t changed the port number, the following URL will apply: You can replace the host and port portions of the URL listed above. This will open the connection dialog in your web browser. Enter your username and password and press the connect button in order to see your Desktop.

OnlineVNC application works on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. I have tested it on Windows 8 Release Preview 64-bit edition. I hope you’ll like OnlineVNC. Please share your experiences with us in comments below.