What Is DirectX?

DirectX is a combination of APIs designed by Microsoft to handle a bunch of different tasks related primarily to gaming and multimedia. An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of rules or procedures that allow computers or computer applications to communicate with one another. Consoles like the PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch all sport identical hardware across all their units, making it easier for developers to optimize their games since they just have to tweak the configurations to match the particular console’s specs. PC gaming is more complex on account of the near-infinite number of combinations you can have when it comes to graphics cards and processors. DirectX allows the game to communicate directly with your machine’s hardware – the graphics card and processor – allowing the title to run at its best given the specs of your machine. It’s one of the primary reasons Windows has such an overwhelming edge over other operating systems when it comes to running video games.

How to Check Your DirectX Version

It’s worth noting that not all graphics cards are compatible with the latest version of DirectX, so the optimal version for your device might not be the newest. This is especially true for older cards. To check your DirectX version, follow these steps:

When to Reinstall DirectX on Your PC

DirectX is heavily involved in managing 3D graphics, sound, video, and even gamepad functionality when it comes to certain software and games. That being said, if your installation of DirectX malfunctions, it may cause distorted sounds, corrupted graphics, or other serious issues when trying to run programs or games that require it, making it appear as though you have faulty hardware. The worst-case scenario would be the application encountering a fatal error and not running at all. In cases like these, your best bet at fixing the issue would be to reinstall DirectX, which should add any missing components and repair the ones that are broken.

Method 1: Windows Update

Modern Windows iterations already include DirectX installed as part of the operating system, and it’s regularly updated along with your other system components. The first place you should look when attempting to fix your faulty DirectX installation would be your system updates. It could just be a pending update that’s causing all the issues.

Method 2: DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer

While more modern Windows variants come with a preinstalled version of DirectX, you can still download an installation file manually and run that instead. This is particularly useful if your Windows updates are halted for some reason or your installation of DirectX causes errors. Note: If your PC or laptop already has the latest version of Direct X installed, you’ll be met with a screen explaining that. If this happens, just click “Finish’ to exit the wizard.

Method 3: System File Checker

The last method utilizes the Windows System File Checker (SFC) tool which scans your computer for any corrupted or damaged files and attempts to fix them using a cached copy located in the Windows folder. This includes your DirectX installation. Given that there’s no safe and simple way to completely uninstall DirectX on machines with newer Windows versions, the above methods are the best way to reinstall DirectX on your PC or laptop to fix any issues caused by a bad installation. But if your games still won’t run after a successful DirectX reinstall, you’ll want to make sure that you’re not dealing with a faulty graphics card.

1. What is the DirectX diagnostic tool?

This is a built-in Windows tool that shows you all the DirectX-related drivers and components that are currently available on your machine. It is a good tool to check important computer specs, including your Windows version, processor, memory, graphics card, audio device, and DirectX version.

2. How does DirectX enhance video game performance?

Since video game consoles have identical specs for all their units, it’s easier to optimize the graphical and audio settings across all of the machines. PCs and laptops, on the other hand, support a variety of different graphics card models and other parts, so it would be a pain to have to optimize a game individually for each component. That’s what makes DirectX so important. For the Windows version of PC games, developers design their games according to how the DirectX API functions. Tapping into the DirectX API allows a game to access a PC or laptop’s graphics card and audio card directly, creating a smoother, tailor-fit experience depending on your machine’s specifications. To further your gaming experience, find out which is the best live-game streaming platform: Facebook Gaming vs. Twitch vs. YouTube Gaming. Also, check your knowledge with this glossary of gaming terms.