It was iOS 4 that gave light to the people especially to the non-techie ones. It was June, this year, that Apple formally released the iOS 4 for everyone. Of course, people were amazed with its notable feature that most of the technical population have been waiting for; it technically took four generations of iPhone OS before Apple made the greatest decision to include such feature together with a hundred others. But you know what, long before iOS 4 has been released, I have been enjoying with such feature in my iPhone 3G.  Although, multi-tasking is intentionally disabled by Apple in 3G because of its slower CPU and limited memory, there were still a lot of people (including me) who have gone beyond the limitations of the iPhone 3G. Now, I want to tell you the trick on how to enable the multitasking feature in your third generation iPhone. I have known two iPhone hacks to enable this feature: zToggle and Features. But first, you should know that these tricks will only work for jailbroken iPhone 3G running on iOS 4.

Cydia’s zToggle Hack

  1. Everything starts with the installation of zToggle hack.

  2. Once the installation is successful, try to launch it. You will be presented with options and the very first one is the Multitasking feature.

  3. Obviously, you will need to flip the Multitasking feature to ON. Now, you will need to respring your iPhone to activate the feature.

It’s as easy as that!

Cydia’s Features Hack

The second is the “Features” hack which you can also find from cydia for free. Features comes with multitasking theme called Winterboard which you need to enable to activate the said feature.  You just have to do a little search in cydia to locate the package and install it. After which, you are done. It is even easier that zToggle.

Multitasking is very important for everyone especially for those who are busy enough to wait. This feature is just what you need add more efficiency to your iPhone 3G.The most important thing you should know (again) is that this feature runs only on jailbroken iPhone 3G which runs on iOS 4. If you have OS 3.1 or even lower, never ever try this hack because it will never work. I did this test to my own iPhone and it worked for me. In fact, it is still working right now. Important Note:: If you used PwnageTool or RedSnow to jailbreak your iPhone and have already selected the multitasking option, DO NOT install these hacks.