Taking Screenshots with URL2JPEG
Download and install URL2JPEG. Launch URL2JPEG after the installation.
Enter the URL of the desired website and click “Go”.
The website will appear in the window below the URL.
You can amend settings of the image such as autoresize, remove scroll bars and change its initial size. For example, to remove scroll bars on the image, ensure the box is ticked.
Once you have configured the settings, click “Capture Bitmap.” to capture the screenshot.
This will capture the screenshot of the site and display it in the “Capture” tab. You can now click “Save Image” to save it in your computer. You can also check the “Postview” box to open the image after save.
Capture Manual Zone
To capture only a part of the webpage, select the “Capture manual zone” button and highlight the area where you want to save. Click “Save Image”.
The saved image file will look like the example below.
Saving Image to Clipboard
Instead of saving the file on your computer, you can also copy it to the Clipboard.
In an alternate program (such as Microsoft Word), enter CTRL + V or select Paste from the Home tab to insert the image into the document.
Another feature available is to resize the image. For example, to amend the percentage size, select the Percent Size radio button.
Change the width and height percentage size as shown in the example below.
For those with scripting knowledge, you can line up multiple images of alternate web pages collectively in groups.
For the currently captured Web page, select “Add to Script”.
You are taken to the Scripting tab with the details of relevant Web pages filled out (i.e. photo format, resizing, what part of image to capture). The “Timeout” function entitles users to configure the duration the app waits before it takes a screenshot of the webpage. The Timeout duration is set at a default of 10s. For our example, we amend it to 20s. When it’s configured to your liking, select “Update”.
The entry is then added to the scripts list on the left hand pane.
URL2JPEG is a useful tool that allows you to take a screenshot of entire Web page easily as well as make amendments to the capture. If you have other ways that you prefer to take screencaps, let us know in the comments area. Image credit: I Hate My Computer by BigStockPhoto