1. Instagram

When you block someone on Instagram, they won’t be able to see your posts, stories, Reels, etc. They will also lose the ability to like, comment, or message you. Basically, your Instagram profile will disappear for them. Additionally, you won’t see their updates and will not be able to message, like, or comment on their activity. Thankfully, Instagram will not notify the other person that you have blocked them. However, if you don’t want to take such a harsh step, you can restrict a user or mute them. You can also hide your Instagram account and prevent others from finding you.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Instagram for Mobile

To view your blocked list and to unblock someone, follow these steps:

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Instagram on PC

2. Facebook

When you block a profile on Facebook, the following things will happen to the blocked account. They will be unfriended and won’t be notified that they have been blocked. Additionally, they won’t be able to:

See your profile or any new updates (posts, stories, etc.) that you publishTag or mention you

Like or comment

Send you messages on Facebook Messenger

Send a friend request

Please note that the above things hold true from your end as well.

How to Block and Unblock Someone in Facebook’s Mobile Apps

To unblock someone on Facebook when using the Android or iPhone app: To unblock someone and to view your Facebook blocked list, follow these steps: If you want to block multiple people, use the “Add to Blocked List” option to find and add people quickly to the blocked list. Note: you cannot block someone again within 48 hours of unblocking them.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Facebook on PC

If you changed your mind and wish to unblock someone while using Facebook on desktop follow the below steps:

3. Facebook Messenger

When you block a profile on Facebook Messenger, the blocked contact won’t be able to message or call you. However, they can still interact with you on Facebook. If you’ve blocked them on Facebook as well, they won’t be able to interact with you on either platform.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Messenger for Mobile

The following steps show how to unblock someone in the Messenger app for mobile.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Messenger for PC

If you block a person on Messenger only, they can still interact with you on Facebook. If you choose the “Block on Facebook” option, all the things mentioned under the “What happens when you block someone on Facebook” section will hold true. When it’s time to unblock someone on Messenger while on your PC, follow the instructions below.

4. WhatsApp

When you block a user on WhatsApp, they won’t be able to message or call you. They can’t see your WhatsApp status, last seen, online status, or profile picture. Read our detailed guide on the aftereffects of blocking someone on WhatsApp.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on WhatsApp on Mobile

Next, let’s look at how you can unblock someone on WhatsApp.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on WhatsApp on PC

Let’s see how you can unblock someone on WhatsApp on desktop. Tip: use the “Add blocked contact” button to block a contact by adding it directly to this list.

5. Telegram

After blocking someone on Telegram, they cannot message or call you. They also lose the ability to add you to groups, see your profile picture, when you’re online, and last seen status.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Telegram on Mobile

To unblock someone in Telegram, follow the steps below.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Telegram on PC

Unblocking is pretty straightforward on Telegram. Follow the steps below:

6. Discord

When you block a user on Discord, the following things will happen:

The two of you won’t be able to send a message or call each other

If you block a friend, they will be unfriendedTheir existing and new messages will be hidden inside channelsThe blocked person cannot ping or mention you

Note that no notification is sent when you block someone.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Discord for Mobile

To view the blocked list on the Discord Android and iPhone apps, follow these steps:

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Discord on PC

Let’s also take a look at how you can unblock someone in the desktop Discord client.

7. Twitter

When you block a Twitter account, that person won’t be able to see your tweets or follow or message you. Also, you will be removed from each other’s followers list. Twitter doesn’t inform the person that they have been blocked.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Twitter for Mobile

You can also quickly unblock someone on Twitter if you want to.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Twitter on PC

When it comes to unblocking someone on Twitter while on your PC, you need to bring the block list up first.

8. Snapchat

When you block a user on Snapchat, they cannot send you Snaps or Chats. Also, they won’t be able to view your Snapchat stories. Blocked users will also be unfriended and cannot add you back until you unblock them. Like other platforms, Snapchat will not notify the person when you block them.

How to Block and Unblock Someone on Snapchat for Mobile

Next, let’s find out how you can unblock someone on Snapchat if you’re using the mobile app.

1. Does blocking someone on a particular app or their phone number mean they will be blocked on other apps?

No. Blocking a user on one platform doesn’t affect your relationship with them on other platforms. For instance, if you block someone on Twitter, they will not be blocked from your Facebook account. And blocking someone’s phone number only prevents them from calling or messaging you through your cellular network. It doesn’t have any impact on social media apps installed on your phone.

2. When should you block someone?

Since blocking a person restricts all types of communication with them, you should block someone only when you no longer want to interact with them in any capacity. There are less harsher forms of blocking, such as muting someone or removing them from your followers’ list.