Wappwolf is an awesome tool that works much like IFTTT. It automates your cloud services – specifically Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box. It lets you drag-and-drop files into your cloud folders, then automatically converts them to other formats. It can even sync items to your favorite Web services like Evernote, Facebook, and SlideShare. There are many possibilities with Wappwolf such as:

Converting documents to PDF Converting PDF files to TXT Converting audio files Uploading videos and photos to Facebook timelines and fan pages Rotating images and adding effects Converting images to black & white and grayscale Uploading files to Evernote, Sugarsync, SkyDrive, and Basecamp

Earlier last year, we did a brief review on Wappwolf, then known as Dropbox Automator. Since then, Wappwolf has evolved and added even more cloud services to its roster (as mentioned above). It’s such a useful service that I’d like to show you just how to use it with Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box. Here’s how to get Wappwolf working for you:


  1. Click on the red “Try now!” button on the home page; this will take you to the Dropbox website where you’ll need to sign in.

  2. On the next page, you’ll need to grant Wappwolf permission to connect to your Dropbox account.

  3. Choose a folder; this is basically the trigger part of your automation. Every time you put a file in this folder, something else will happen.

  4. If you want to create a new folder in your Dropbox account, you can do that as well by clicking on “new folder” at the bottom of your folder list.

  5. Click “Next” at the bottom of the page.

  6. On the next page you can choose an action that will be performed after you put a file in the folder you selected on the previous page.

There are many options here under the following categories: documents, pictures, audio, video, any file, send info, advanced. I won’t go through the long list; they’re all pretty self-explanatory. One of the more interesting things here is the ability to upload/sync items to various services like Google Drive, Slideshare, Facebook, Google+, FTP-Server, Box, SkyDrive, Sugarsync, Evernote, and Basecamp. 7. Once you choose an action, it may be an action you need to customize. For instance, you may have to connect your account to the service or choose a preferred format (for conversions).

You may also notice that some actions are premium actions, meaning you’ll need to upgrade your account to use them. Unfortunately, many of the best actions are premium only, but the cost for a premium account is very affordable at just $5/month. 8. You can add more actions to an automation if you’d like and remove actions if you change your mind. Removals are done at the top of the page where your actions are listed. After you choose your first action, some of the selectable actions my disappear – depending on which one you choose. This just means that the two actions can’t be performed on the same item.

  1. When you’re done, click on “finished” at the top of the page. You’ll see your automation listed, and you can stop it, delete it, or create a new automation.

Google Drive and Box

While the example shown above is on Dropbox, you can be assured that the same steps can be used on Google Drive and Box as well. You’ll need to choose a folder (or create a new one) and then choose your desired action(s). When you’re done, click on “finished” at the top.

Final Thoughts

Once you get past the clunky interface, Wappwolf is a really great service that can perform many different automated tasks for you. If you’re constantly using different cloud services, Wappwolf is a real lifesaver. Just choose a folder, choose some actions, and you’re all done!