The problem is, if your inbox contains 7Gb of emails (probably tens of thousands of them), it can be a tedious and difficult task to sort out which emails take up the most space and can be deleted. This is where Find Big Mail is useful. Find Big Mail, as the name implies, is a web app that scan your Gmail inbox for large mail and mark them with a label. You can then sort your mail by the label and get instant result of the emails that are taking up all your storage space. The concept is simple, but it is tremendously useful.


  1. Go to

  2. Enter your Gmail address and click “CLICK HERE”.

  3. It will then ask you for permission to access your account. Click “Grant”.

  4. Find Big Mail will then proceed to scan your Gmail Inbox and check the emails with big attachment. This will take from several minutes to an hour, depending on your mailbox size. Meanwhile, you can go and take a cup of coffee. When Find Big Mail finished scanning, it will send you a summary email.

  5. To sort your big email, simply type “label:my-big-mail” to the search field to view your mails of size between 100,000 and 500,000 bytes.

Similarly you can type “label:my-really-big-mail” or “label:my-ultra-big-mail” to view emails of size more than 500,000 bytes (~5MB).

Now that they are sorted out, all that you need to do is to delete away those unwanted big size emails to free up the storage space. (You may want to backup your emails before you delete them away). What’s your take on this? Do you find such a simple app useful?