FeedSquares is a Google Chrome extension that shows your Google Reader feeds in a beautiful feed wall. Each square on the wall represents a single feed and the first image from each feed is used as the background for each square. The result is a visually stunning photo wall.
When you click on a square (or feed), the article list from the feed will appear as a scrolling (horizontally) panel at the bottom of the wall. You can scroll through the list to look for interesting article to read. Clicking on the article will pop-up a window with the article content.

At the end of the article, there is also a box with all the various social sharing options. You can “star”, “like” or even share the article. FeedSquares sync with your Google Reader, so whatever changes you make here will be reflected in Google Reader as well.

If you have organized your RSS feeds into various folders, these folders will be displayed as a navigation link above the feed wall. At the bottom of the wall, there is also a link for you to switch between day and night mode. The night mode comes with a dark purple background and is more soothing to the eyes.

At the backend, there are several options that you can configure for FeedSquares, including feed refresh interval, use secure connection, show unread counts and many other options.

FeedSquares Android app

FeedSquares also comes with an Android app (free) that you can install on your mobile phone. It is pretty cool too.

If you are into fancy stuff, do give FeedSquares a try. It is nice, fun and pretty impressive, definitely better than the dull Google Reader interface. FeedSquares