Step 1.

Download Farmville magic Tools and install it in your computer (Windows only). Run the Farmville Magic Tool. Open the Farmville game in your Facebook account. The magic tools window will appear on your screen just like the picture below.

Step 2.

Left click on the “cow” icon and drag it into the farm. Remember to keep the farm visible while performing this action.

Step 3.

If all things turn out well, the three most important buttons – Plow, Plant and Harvest will be enabled on your machine.

Step 4.

Using Beliefs and Causes Farmville allows you to zoom to the maximum distance possible.

Step 5.

Hit the Magic Plow Tool button and select either the Plow Tool or the Multi-tool. If you happen to land up in a massive farm, use the Tractor for efficient and speedy operation.

Step 6.

To exactly plant the user preferable seed from the market, select the Magic Plant Tool. Magic Plant Tool automatically selects and plants all the stuff to be planted. Here too, you can select the “Seeder” option for lesser time consumptions and faster reward.

Step 7.

Select Harvester and click Magic Harvest Tool. This will automate the harvest process. By selecting Custom crop you can inform Magic tools of some parts that were not selected. This option enables you with the feature of direct harvest within the program.

That’s it. You can now sit back and enjoy the fruits of your “hard work”