Fizzik aims to help you find, enjoy and share the best media on the Web. What makes it different from the rest is that it is built from the ground up and focus solely on solving your social media needs. It is minimal in design and does not comes with extra things that will slow you down.

Fizzik interface and usage

The default background color for Fizzik is black, which is kind of surprsing to me as I always feel that black is the worst color to bring out the best from the web (I could be wrong though). Personally, I always find it hard to navigate around with a dark background. When you first run Fizzik, you will see nothing familiar that you expect in a browser. There is no address bar, bookmark bar, status bar, menu bar or any other bars that you can think of. You only see the Fizzik logo at the center, a search icon on the top left and a + icon on the far bottom right. I do find it scaringly simple, and it took me several seconds just to figure out where should I press to proceed.

The whole area is divided into three sections. The left is where you perform all your searches while the center column is the actual browser. The right bottom features a share section where you can share the content quickly across Facebook, Twitter and Gmail.

The first thing to do is to press the search icon. It will instantly show a series of social media sites that you can search on. List of sites that it currently supports include: Bing news, New York Times, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Youtube, Twitter and Bing search engine. There doesn’t seems to be any way for me to customize (add/remove) the sites and surprisingly, Google is not in the list.

When you perform a search, the results are shown below the search bar. When you click on the search result, it will load the search page on the center browser. The browser is fixed in width, so if the web page is bigger than the browser, you will have to scroll left and right to read the content. One good thing that I like is that the web page is optimised for the best viewing. For example, if you click on a youtube video, it won’t bring you to the youtube site, instead it will load the video in the browser and auto play it. Another example is that if you click on a Twitter search result and that particular tweet contains a link, it will automatically load the link in the browser. Cool.

For the Share section on the right, you can set up your Facebook, Twitter and Gmail account and share the page instantly. One thing that I would love to see is the ability to post to multiple social media sites at one go. For the current version, you have to post to individual site manually. So if you are posting to Facebook, Twitter and Gmail, you have to do it three times.

There is also a Fizzik bookmark that you can add the current webpage to. As soon as you add content to your bookmark, you will be able to search your bookmarks from the Search section.


Fizzik is currently in beta and apparently, it is not very polished yet. It does has great potential though, if it can improve some of the annoyances that were mentioned above. Fizzik is not available for public download yet. If you are keen to test it out, you can register your email with them and they will send out the invitation to you. What do you think? Will it be the latest force in the wild or just another startup heading to obscurity?