Earlier today, Facebook has released the Facebook Places that allows you to check in your location from your mobile device. The Facebook Places is only available for iPhone users at the moment. Android and other mobile device users can also access the check-in feature via the mobile FB site: touch.facebook.com. There is one criteria though: your mobile browser must support HTML 5 and geolocation. With the Facebook Places, you can tag your friends (just like how you tag your friends in a photo). When you are together with a bunch of friends, you can tag all of them in your check-in. You can also post update on your checkin to inform others what you are doing. You have the option to share your location by “checking in” to that place and letting friends know where you are. You can easily see if any of your friends have also chosen to check in nearby. When it comes to Privacy issue, your check-in status will only be shown to your friends, unless you explicitly change the setting to “Everyone”. You also have the choice to turn off the ability for friends to check you in at Places. The check-in service is currently available in USA. Other countries will have to wait as Facebook “expects to make it available to more countries and on additional mobile platforms soon“. We will see. I do not have the luck to try it in my country yet. If you are one of the lucky few who are situated in USA, own an iPhone and pro location app, check out the Facebook Places and let us know your experience in the comments. via Facebook blog: Who, What, When, and Now…Where