Just 25 years later shopping has completely evolved with online shopping becoming more and more prevalent. And now with delivery options being readily available with most stores, that landscape is changing again. At this point in time, do you prefer to shop online, on your mobile, or at a brick-and-mortar store?

Our Opinion

For Elsie it depends on what she’s buying. She prefers shopping on her mobile for software, other digital products, and a few other items she can’t easily find locally. She wants to physically review certain things, like a car or electronics such as headphones. She wants to “physically review and try them for myself, not just go with what’s been said online and hit the ‘add to cart’ button.’ “ She wouldn’t buy groceries online either, as she wants to pick her own unless the grocer knows her preferences. Most brick-and-mortar stores are within her reach anyway, so she’ll pop in and buy stuff in bulk for the week, minimizing her movement. Phil shops online for everything. These days shopping online is reserved for things he needs to try on, enjoys buying physically, or needs in the immediate moment. He’s been shopping online since the 90s and “surprisingly, few items have gone astray or not been what I ordered.” Andrew typically shops online with his laptop, as he does “too much comparison shopping and bargain hunting to do a lot of shopping either offline or on mobile.” Even if he’s physically in a store, he still does a little product research when it comes to price or making major purchases. Grocery shopping is the exception. He doesn’t particularly like it but just has to go wander the aisles and find what he needs. He used to live in an area with online grocery delivery, but even then he’d still go physically shopping at least once every two weeks. The problem Simon has with shopping online is that much of his entertainment and work has moved indoors, so he needs more excuses to go out and get some fresh air, making him prefer to go out to buy what he wants If he can find it nearby and at a good price. Yet, usually online prices are cheaper, “so if I can make a substantial savings from ordering online, I’ll take it.” Sayak regularly buys groceries, clothing, and daily essentials online. While he had relied on a laptop for this, recently he’s been relying more on Android grocery apps. He also started using mobile wallets to pay the tab at restaurants and bars. “Before this I was skeptical about them, but indeed they’re way faster.” While traveling, he’ll only trust cash, except for online bookings. Additionally, he loves the color, commotion, and bargains only a flea market can generate.

Your Opinion

What are your shopping habits? Do you mostly shop online other than grocery items? Are you still shopping in person for most things or only certain items? Do you prefer to shop online, on your mobile, or at a brick-and-mortar store? Chime in to our conversation in the comments below.