MakeGIF Video Capture allows you to easily turn YouTube video into animated GIF. There is no technical knowledge required. All you need to do is to play the video, click Capture, follow by Generate and you will be able to download the animated GIF.

  1. Head over to Google Chrome store to download MakeGIF Video Capture extension.

  2. Once installed, you will see a blue icon at the menu bar. Now, go to Youtube (or Vimeo) and watch any video. Click the blue MakeGIF icon. It will prompt you to switch to HTML 5 video.

  3. Once you clicked “OK”, it will switch your video to full screen html5 video. Click “Start” to record the video and “Done” when you are done with the video.

There are several capture settings that you can configure. You can change the recording quality, size (max. size is 448), capture FPS and max frame.

  1. After you have completed capturing the part of the video that you want to convert to GIF, you will see a preview of the captured video. You can go through the preview frame by frame, and remove the frame that you don’t want. You can also add text, or even reverse the frame.

When you are happy with the result, click the “Generated GIF” button and it will proceed to generate the animated GIF.

  1. Lastly, you can download the animated GIF, or share it with your friends. Here is a sample of the animated GIF generated by makeGIF.


While you can do ton of things with animated GIF, most of them require a dedicated software to do so. If you just want to capture a video and turn it into an animated GIF, MakeGIF Video Capture is a simple to use tool.