Podcastomatic allows the users to convert any blog post into a podcast and listen to it in their browser. There is nothing much you need to do to get it working. All you have to do is provide the URL of the article you want to listen and it will convert them into podcasts. You can also download the podcast as well.

The Easiest Way to Convert A Blog to Podcasts

Visit Podcastomatic homepage and enter the URL of the blog you want to listen to. Click Go when you are done.

It doesn’t matter if you are specifying the homepage of the blog or a single post page as the URL, because Podcastomatic only uses the domain name and grab the posts from the homepage (using RSS feed). This is what you will see after entering the URL. All the posts are organized in episode and you can click on any link to listen to that particular post.

To listen to the podcast, you can either get it to play directly in your browser, or download it to your computer so that you can listen to it later. During my testing, I tried converting different blogs to podcasts (including Make Tech Easier) and the result always turned out well. However, you don’t expect real human voice for the podcast. In fact, you will have to bear with the monotonous machine voice (and try not to fall asleep). You can also subscribe to the podcast using iTunes or opens the podcast RSS feed and subscribe to it.

Some Drawbacks

As mentioned earlier, Podcastomatic doesn’t care whether the URL is the homepage of the blog or a single post page. This means that you can’t create podcast for just a single post. Some blogs have 50 items in their RSS feed, so if you want to listen to just one of the 50 posts in the blog, you still have to wait for it to download all the posts and convert them to podcasts. In addition, the playback service doesn’t come with a seek bar. That means, you are not able to fast forward or rewind the podcast. An alternative is to subscribe the podcast feed in your favorite podcast player, or simply download the podcast to play with your audio player.


If you are a user who wants to convert your favorite blogs to podcasts, or a webmaster who wants to offer a podcast subscription option for your reader, Podcastomatic will work fine for you.. If you don’t mind the monotonous machine voice in the podcast and some of the drawbacks mentioned above, you will definitely want to check out this tool and keep it in your bookmarks. For active podcast listener who prefer “real” podcast (with real human voice), this is not for you. Visit Podcastomatic