If you are facing difficulty juggling different accounts, here are 8 useful tools that you can use to manage your Twitter accounts simultaneously.


1. Hootsuite

Formerly known as Brightkit, Hootsuite is a popular web based Twitter client that allows you to tweet to multiple Twitter accounts simultaneously. You will need to sign up a free account with Hootsuite before you can use their services. Once you have started your account, you will be able to setup various twitter accounts in the dashboard. To send a tweet, you can either update it from their website, or save the owl icon as a bookmarklet in your bookmark bar. The bookmarklet comes with a Send Later function where you can set a future time to send your tweets.

2. Matt

Matt stands for Multi Account Twitter Tweeter and it is really a fun site to be at. You are not required to sign up for any account. As long as you have a Twitter account, you will be able to login and send tweets. The first twitter account that you sign in to is considered your primary Matt’s account. Once you are logged in, you will be able to add other accounts in the setting page. When sending tweets, you can select various accounts, or select all to update your tweets.

3. Splitweet

Splitweet is a Twitter multi-accounts and brand monitoring manager. Not only does it allows you to access several accounts simultaneously, it also monitor your brands and show you how many times your name (brands) was mentioned.

4. Twithive

If you have used and love Tweetdeck and would like to have a similar online version to handle multiple accounts, then Twithive is the best candidate. TwitHive is still in beta and its interface is not as polished as others. However, one great feature that TwitHive has is the ability to setup channels and track what others are talking about in the twittersphere. It is similar to TweetDeck, except that it supports multiple Twitter accounts simultaneously so you can track more stuffs in just a single page.

5. Tweet3

Tweet3 is just like another Twitter page, except that it is better and comes with more functionality. Other than the usual replies, favorite, message stuff, it also comes with an Analytics tool that analyzes your Followers vs. Following statistics. I don’t really pay much attention to the statistics, but it could just be useful for you.

Desktop client

6. twhirl

A good thing about twhirl is that it is built on the Adobe Air and thus is compatible with all OS platforms. twhirl supports quite a number of microblogging networks, including Twitter, FriendFeed, identi.ca, seemic and laconi.ca. and you can set them all up to run simultaneously. If there is anything to complain, it must be that it opens up a new window for each network you signed into and this can be rather messy on your desktop. In addition, you are not able to send the same tweets (or update) to various accounts at one go. Other than that, there’s really no complaint about this.

7. Pidgin/Adium

By default, pidgin does not support Twitter. However, by installing the Twitter plugins (pidgin-twitter or libpurple), you can get it to connect to Twitter and update various accounts simultaneously. Pidgin is available for Windows and Linux while Adium is the equivalent in Mac.

8. Digsby

Digsby currently works only on Windows, but it is no doubt the most complete IM + Social network desktop tool out there. You can connect to the multiple IM, social networks, microblog, and even your email accounts all at the same time. While the list above is not definitive, it is sufficient to help you manage your multiple Twitter accounts more efficiently. If I have missed out any of the great tools, please add it in the comments.