However, if you think you’ve had enough and want to try to quit smoking, there are various apps you can try. With the following apps you’ll be able to see things such as how much money you’re saving, how many days you’ve gone without smoking, and more.

1. QuitNow!: Quit Smoking

QuitNow!: Quit Smoking is one of the most popular apps that can help you stop smoking. It starts by asking you how many cigarettes you usually have during the day, how many cigarettes were in a pack, how much you paid for the box, etc.

It offers inspiring information, such as:

Achievements – See all of your achievements such as going a day without smoking, saving minutes from your life, how much money you saved, etc. Community – Chat with other people that are also trying to quit smoking and get the support to fight the urge to smoke a cigarette. Health – This section will show you information such as how your blood pressure has improved, the remaining amount of nicotine, how much sudden death has decreased, how your physical condition has improved, etc.

2. Smoke Free

Smoke Free is an app that offers features that the first app doesn’t. With Smoke Free you can keep a journal of your progress, jot down everything about the cravings you have, do daily tasks to improve your chances of quitting, and earn badges for not smoking.

The app lets you share everything about how well you’re doing. You can share your latest achievements, your progress, your missions, your health improvements, smoke-free time and how much money you’ve saved. Not smoking can make time almost stand still. That’s why it shows you how long you’ve gone without smoking and how much money you’ve saved just as soon as you open the app. In the app’s settings you can also do things such as reset your data, set reminders and also upgrade to the app’s Pro version.

3. Quit Tracker: Stop Smocking

An app that has unique features of its own is Quit Tracker: Stop Smoking. Just like the other apps, you can get information such as how long you’ve gone smoke-free, how much money you’ve saved, and how much life you’ve gained.

A feature only in this app can tell you when you’ll have enough money to buy something by not smoking. For example, depending on the information you entered at the beginning, if you didn’t smoke for three days, you’d have enough money to buy yourself some socks. If you didn’t smoke for a month, you’d have enough money to purchase a computer. It also features a memory game you can play to distract yourself and help you take your mind off smoking.

4. Quitify for Quit Smoking!

Quitify for Quit Smoking! is an app with a simple and easy to understand user interface. On the app’s main page you can see information such as how much money you’ve spent, how much anxiety you’ll experience, how many days you’ve gone without smoking, how many hours of life you’ve recovered and any cigarettes you did smoke.

Tap on the app’s hamburger icon, and you can gain access to options such as tips to deal with your anxiety, your badges, how your quality of life has improved, how your health has improved and more. There is also an option to share your information.

5. Stop Smoking – Easy Quit Free

Stop Smoking – Easy Quit Free may not have the nicest design, but it has the features you’ll need to quit smoking. As soon as you open the app you see options such as Money saved, Beat an urge, Total Health, Goals Achieved, Life regained and more.

A unique option on this app allows you to create a plan so you can quit smoking at a speed you are comfortable with. Set up how many cigarettes you have per day and then how many you actually had. Hopefully, you had less than usual.


Being able to quit smoking is easier said than done, but hopefully these apps will make things easier for you. Just think of the insane amount of money you’re going to save by not smoking. That’s definitely a strong reason to quit. Which app are you going to try?