WordPress plugin

Since the number of websites running on WordPress, regardless if they are labeled as blogs, is huge and growing, the first solution happens to be a WordPress plugin. Actually there are several plugins to choose from. Several years ago we featured an article on MobilePress. There is another very popular plugin called WPtouch Pro.

If you find the right WordPress plugin, it will automatically redirect our mobile friends to a good looking mobile version of your site. Many of them offer some customization options so you can make sure the mobile site reflects what the full-sized site looks like.

Flexible design

Many website designers decide to make one design instead of two. They can make the site flexible enough to look good at almost any resolution. For instance, take a look at this site (maketecheasier.com). Try it! Resize the browser window and see the changes that take place as the window shrinks. The design looks good all the way down to the size of a mobile phone’s browser.

This type of design can be tricky and hiring a good designer to make it look and work nice might be the best route to take.

Mobile app

Did you know that you can also make your website or blog into a mobile app? You can even have them listed on iTunes and the Google Play Store. This can be a good way to not only make your site mobile friendly but get the word out at the same time.

There are several choices when it comes to websites that offer the service for free. Try appsbar.com and freeblogapps.com.

Custom design

The last and final option is to hire someone to design a mobile version of your website from scratch. They can do anything from taking your design and shrinking it, setting up your site to redirect mobile browser users to the new site, all the way down to rewording the copy to fit better on a smaller screen. Obviously this can be the most expensive of the options but with a design team on your side, you’ve got personalized service and someone to turn to when it doesn’t work right. A good example of a service that can help in this capacity is NotixTech. They can handle making your site mobile-friendly but can also handle mobile coupons, marketing campaigns and QR codes.


The answer to the mobile-friendly website conundrum really depends on your situation. In the article we discussed four very different solutions and each one may work really well for different circumstances. Which one works for you? Oh, and what other solutions can you think of?